IT Management
CTO / Interim CTO
With a good technical insight and understanding of business processes, I can help design and execute a technology strategy, streamline the technological processes, analyze current technology and advise on opportunities for improvement, set quality goals for development and products, and act as a link between business and the technical teams. I have extensive experience with management services and reporting.
Building a development organization
Building agile teams with the right skills. Building or changing organization and processes in order to be able to deliver with quality and predictability in a modern agile development organization.
Outsourcing or Nearshoring
I have worked with distributed teams for many years. At Microsoft with both internal and external teams in USA, Russia and China. At Scan-IT I have led a larger internal development center in India as well as managed outsourced projects with vendors also located in India, also didi initial research and preparation for additional development centers based in Europe.
Professionalisering af udviklingen
Ændring af planlæning, processer og arbejdsmetoder hen mod at kunne levere på en konstant kadence med kvalitet og forudsigelighed. Agil kunde og brugerdrevet udvikling.
I Scan-IT fik vi håndteret en for stor backlog af kendte fejl ved et ændret fokus og forståelse for omkostningerne ved en stor bug backlog. Opkvalificering af QA funktionerne og et øget fokus på automatiseret test blev gennemført for at forbedre mulighederne for en kortere CI/CD cyklus.
I Microsoft var jeg en del af vores organisations omlægning fra projektstyret vandfaldsmodel til agil udvikling i 2-ugers sprints med CI/CD, hyppige releases og modning af organisationen til fuld DevOps. En process som tog flere år.